I've been meaning to write, but life has been a little busy. I wanted to post some pics of the kids from the weekend. We had a busy weekend. We went to see the Easter Bunny, Matt took me out Saturday for my bday ( I turn 28 tomorrow/25th-ugh) the kids have been sick then we had Easter yesterday. Easter was a busy day and poor little Ka wasn't feeling well but was quite the trooper. We colored eggs on Saturday which was fun. Will had

so much fun. It was great. I didn't think he would care for it, but he kept asking for more and more eggs. I should have bought the cheap eggs because most of them where cracked all over by the time he was done, but he had fun and that's what mattered. Kaela had fun watching and enjoyed playing with one of the eggs until it fell on the floor. There were some baby goats, bunny's and a lamb at the mall where the Easter bunny was and both the kids LOVED that! Easter morning was fun. Kaela saw her basket and toy and crawled over to it so fast! It was so cute! Will was very exited to see the Easter bunny brought him a toy train! He had a movie, coloring book, train book, markers, ball and chocolates too- but as soon as he saw that train nothing else mattered :)
Kaela has a week full of apts. this week. We took her in today to be sure she was getting enough oxygen and make sure her chest sounded okay. Everything sounded good and oxygen was good. She has some fluid in one of her ears, but it isn't infected. We just have to watch her to be sure she doesn't get a fever or start getting worse. Tomorrow she gets fitted for new ankle splints and Wednesday she gets more xrays with her brace on.
I wish I could have been a little more interesting, but I didn't think I would write if I didn't do it now in the short time that I had. I will post some pics too :) For those of you living in sun and warmth, send a little this way!! We are so anxious for spring! 7-9 inches of snow Friday was not very exciting..and more to come tonight. Enjoy and I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!