I've never posted a video before, but thought you all might like this after not getting anything for so long. Two post in one night! Be sure to check out our post below :) I just took this video..it's so cute! You get to see just how cute Kaela is "in person" and kind of see how crazy her big brother Will is in the background. Excuse the mess in the background and all over Kaela's face :) ENJOY!!
"We are a contradiction in packaging,for encased in our small bodies are not small minds,not small needs and desires,not small goals and pleasures, and not small appetites for a full and enriching life."
Sunday, August 24, 2008
It has been too long!
Ahh, I am finally writing. I have to start by apologizing to my fellow blogging friends. I know how much I enjoy reading everyone's post and seeing those cute kids all over the country and world, so I am sorry I have not been returning the post. It seems as though the last few weeks has been extremely busy and quiet all at the same time. My cousin Becky and her son Hunter were in town a week ago from North Carolina, and we got to hang out with them a few times. Becky and I grew up together until she moved to NC, and have been pretty close, so it's always GREAT to see her! Hunter is getting so big and him and I are good buddies! He's so cute. Becky's husband wasn't able to make it, he had to work, but hopefully we get to visit them soon. We missed you Kevin! We also found out Becky is expecting baby number 2 which is super exciting!! Here are some pics of their visit.
Becky and Will

Becky and Kaela Me and my Hunter

Will and his cousin Hunter

The kids are doing great! We have been trying to keep busy doing things on the weekend while it's nice. It has been pretty nice here too for the most part. We went to Chicago a couple weeks ago just for a night. It was kind of a last minute decision, but it was a lot of fun. I thought maybe it would be a little crazy, but the kids were so good. Matt picked me up after work on a Thursday and we went straight from their to Chicago. We stopped in St. Joseph Michigan to get food and walk around a bit. It's such a cute city. Right on the lake, lots of little shops. We didn't get to Chicago until about 9:30, which was fine. We just hung out and went to bed, then got up in the morning for our day in Chicago. We did shopping in the morning, ate lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and then went to the aquarium. The kids were really great for the most part and slept most of the way home. It was a fun trip.
Otherwise I think things have been fairly typical. Kaela got her new brace about a week and a half ago. It fits really well and she doesn't seem to mind it at all. She also got her afo's (ankle feet Orthodox) and she seems to mind those a whole lot. She screams the whole time she has them on. That's always a joy. So we will slowly work on those. We need to get her some shoes to fit over them too. She is into everything these days. In fact right now she's trying to type her own post. She is quite the little diva. She needs what she wants when she wants it ...and quite often gets it. She's walking along the couch really well too. I still think it will be quite some time before she's walking on her own, but we are okay with that. We do have Will who enjoys running 90% of the time rather then walking so he keeps us busy enough right now. 

There is some upcoming big news....a few things actually. First, Kaela has an MRI Tuesday. They are doing a flexion/extension MRI of her neck. Keep us in those thoughts if you remember...hoping that goes well and comes out good. She will have to be put under general anesthesia, which sucks, but we want to be sure her neck is okay. I will try to do a little post this week about neck issues with Metatropic babies/people.
The other big news is....Will is starting pre school in a week and the kids are starting daycare in 2 weeks. This is HUGE! Matt has been in school and staying home with the kids during the day since Will was born. They have never been in daycare, so this will be a big step for us. Will is going to be going to preschool in the mornings and then will go to the daycare in the afternoon. He's a young preschooler, (2 1/2) but I think it will be really good for him. I always said I wanted him to start preschool early since he hasn't been in daycare, but now all at once it's a little hard to think about. Oh- the reason they will be in daycare is because Matt's starting a internship that is full time, and I will still be working my job. I'm excited for Matt, i think this will be really great for him, but also really hard for him. Remember he's been the one that has been home with the kids all this time. I think it's going to be really hard on him. Lets hope it goes well for everyone. It will only be 3 days a week at day care which is nice. I have Friday's off and Matt's parents are going to take Monday's off for the 4 months of the internship. We are very thankful to them for that because it helps us save money and we know they will be in good hands with their grandparents. Daycare is so damn expensive. Excuse the language, but I'm not sure I know any better way to describe it unless I use more offensive words :)
So that's a quick overview of things that have happened and things to come, as well as some cute pictures of some cute kids :)
A little girl and her big cup 
My handsome boy! He's not a little baby anymore :( They grow up way too fast! But you both will forever be my babies and my shinning stars!

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