I didn't want to be the last to post about Christmas, so I thought I better get going on that. Christmas was so much fun this year with the kids. Matt and I thought Will was going to have so much fun this year since he really understands it a lot more then last year. We were right about Will, but Kaela surprised us with how much fun she had and how she reacted to it. Matt told me before Christmas that he was just as excited to see the kids on Christmas morning opening their gifts as he was as a little boy opening his own gifts. I thought that was really sweet. We spend Christmas eve with Matt's family which is always a lot of fun. We went to his mom's house where we got together with his parents, his aunt and uncle and his grandpa. My parents came too. The kids had so much fun! Grandma and Grandpa got them a 50's diner/kitchen that they just loved! It is so cute! Will was serving Kaela and Kaela was so cute pretending to eat the plastic food. Then Kaela opened her gift which was a ride on toy that she absolutely loved! She was trying to get on it before it was even out of the box! She was thrilled. Will wanted to ride it and that didn't go over so well with Kaela, but it was fun :) Will had fun pushing her around the house so it worked out. They got some fun books, clothes and gift cards too!
Christmas morning they woke up and were very excited to see what happened over night! Will acted a bit shy and Kaela was just excited to get down and look at everything! It didn't take Will long to go from shy mode to ripping through present mode.
Matt's parents came over to join in the festivities of Christmas morning. After we opened presents here, we went over to my parents where we opened lots of new fun toys, clothes and mommy and daddy got some cool stuff for the house! We then drove to my Aunt's house where we met up with my cousins, grandparents and my parents. It was a LONG day, but the kids had a blast and did great! They were so good all day and really enjoyed all their fun new toys. I took the tree down the day after Christmas
just to make room for all their new stuff!! Christmas Eve...Will and Grandpa Laurin
kitchen on one side, booth on the other.

Hope you enjoy the pics. I know I missed a pic with Matt...but I don't think I got one of him and the kids..other then opening presents...whoops. I get so caught up in the kids it's hard to remember things like a nice family photo!! Hope you all had a great holiday season! Happy New Year!! We hope you all have a wonderful 2009 full of much fun, laughter, love, happiness and good health!!
Sarah, Matt, Will and Kaela