Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween was a hit!

The kids, especially Will, had a great time trick or treating.  We went out with our neighbors across the street. Will went to a few houses last year and started understanding it and enjoying it after a few houses, but this year he was excited about it right from the beginning. In fact he sat on our porch for a few minutes eating tootsie rolls out of our bowl before we left. He was a little slow since eating candy on the way was top priority, but it was still lots of fun. Kaela enjoyed the stroller ride as well as a kit kat bar. Will being allergic to nuts/peanuts he misses out on pretty much all chocolate candy, but Kaela didn't mind helping get rid of them as you will see in one of the pictures :)
Here are some pictures of our little princess, Tinkerbell and our macho spiderman!
Saturday morning the kids got into the candy. Kaela found a sucker in her brothers bag. Can you guess what color it was?


Destini said...

I love Tinkerbell! And Will makes a great Spiderman! The picture of Kaela with chocolate all over her face is priceless!

Tonya said...

Oh, look at the tongue! I wonder who she has been hanging out with?

I am sure Will was digging it by the end of the night! Now he'll say trick or treat to any door you hits!! How fun!

Charlene said...

Will looked like he was having so much fun carrying his own candy bag and Kaela makes the prettiest tinkerbell ever. I love tinkerbell too! It looks like you all had a great time!

Greene Family said...

Your Tinkerbell and macho Spiderman are so cute! I love the pictures of Kaela with her blue tongue! It looks like you guys had a great time!

Danielle said...

what a cute tinkerbell and spiderman!!! I'm glad the kids enjoyed it, and Kaela certainly loves her chocolate :) Peyton won't even try it! Crazy kid.

Jennifer said...

Kaela and Will!!! You are so cute. Love that Will is "getting it" this year. I remember with Anne and Cat that Anne had a bite out of every piece of candy in her bag before she got home and Cat guarded hers with her life! She would organize it, catergorize it, count it and savor it! So much fun. Loooove the blue tongue.

Kim said...

Love the blue tongue! What a cute picture. Will and Preston would seriously be two peas in a pod because he was super into trick or treating this year. The kids looked adorable as always. I cannot get over how Kaela is looking like a little girl now-a beautiful little lady emerging from a cute baby!

Anonymous said...

You need to post this stuff on myspace too!! I usually go there.. !! :)
The kids look so cute!! Did Will pick out his own costume?? Tyler had fun trick or treating too. He just went from house to house while we walked in the road following him. They grow so fast. When is Will's bday party??

Rachliedel said...

William looks so tough in his costume! He would make such a great spider man with his bulging chest and all. Kaela is such a beautiful tinkerbell especially with her curly hair! I'm glad they had a good Halloween! I love you guys!!

HeatherLittleBit said...

They are so cute. I can't believe how much Kaela looks like me when I was that age. I love your blog!
(Its me Heather with Metatropic Dysplasia)