I love taking pictures, can you tell? I think my little sis appreciates them all since she lives in Texas and doesn't get to see them very often. Love you Rachie.
One last thing. I haven't posted much about Kaela's brace (I was reminded of this over the weekend :0) ) since she got it awhile ago. We did go in for xrays a few weeks ago to see how she looked with the brace on and the brace off having worn it for a few weeks. We came out of that appointment with some good news. Dr. Hensinger said that her back actually looks better since it has been on. There wasn't a huge change in the degree of the curve, but it actually looked a little better and hasn't gotten worse. This is of course great news. I imagine Kaela's spine will continue to curve, but the longer we can prolong surgery or the more we can stop the curve the better! What I mean by that is obviously we will never know how much her spine would have curved had we not used the brace, but hopefully the brace in the end, even if Kaela has bad curvature, it will be a little milder then it would have been. We can only hope. So good news thus far, even though she would prefer not to wear it. We go back in July for more xrays and I imagine we will go back soon to check the sizing for the brace :) From now on, I think I will try and post more regularly so that I don't write these monster blog post :)