Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Family Apart

William and I left Delaware today to come back to Michigan for work and school.  Sarah will stay with Kaela and Wesley at du Pont for the next four to five weeks while Kaela is in halo traction.  It is really hard leaving them behind knowing that Sarah will have to take care of our infant son while working 20 hours per week and taking care of Kaela.  We do have some help coming however so maybe that will take some of the pressure off of Sarah while she is out there.  We have many wonderful family and friends who have taken time to be out there for short periods to help with the baby. 

Luckily we live in an age where technology is advanced enough that we can communicate cheaply and actually see each other.  We have Skype as well as face-time on the iPhone so that we can at least see each other while we are apart. William and I will return to Delaware in May for a week for Kaela’s second surgery where she will have rods implanted on her spine.  Hopefully about a week or so after that procedure, Kaela will be able to come home. 

1 comment:

Misty said...

Not sure if it posted or not.

OOOHHH SKYPE.. bow chicka bow bow.. Just trying to make you laugh!!

You guys have a very strong marriage and you can do it!!

Love you guys!