So we had our first LP event this weekend and it went great! We met so many great people. I was a little nervous about going, didn't know what to expect or who would be there, but it went really well. I believe the majority of people there were little people, most of them adults. There were some college aged lp young adults and a few younger ones, and then there was Owen and his mom and grandma. What nice people! Owen is absolutley adorable! His pictures are so cute, but no comparison when you can see him in person. Such a cutie! His mom Cat and grandma Jennifer are such nice people too! I'm so glad we met. It will be fun to watch Owen grow and hopefully get to know their family better as time grows and the kids grow up. Cat- you called dibs on Kaela- I call dibs on Owen. Ha ha.
Will had fun too. He made friends quick with some of the girls. They were great with him and so patient taking him up and down the stairs. Everyone was so welcoming and friendly. I wish I would have moved around more to talk to more people. Matt talked to a few people that I didn't talk to, as did I, so overall it went really great. I think it will be great to be involved for Kaela and us. I think it will be great for Will too!
So that was great and I am looking forward to the next event.
On another note, Kaela has her Ortho apt on Thursday. She gets xrays then too. I'm a little nervous because I know (since we can see it) that her back is starting to curve. I know that it's too be expected, I just worry because she's so young and I want to be sure they do things 'right.' It's hard being so far away from the real proffesionals in Metatropic (such as Dr. Boeber and Dr. McKenzie in Delware). But we go there in April, so at least it's not too far off. Anyway-Hopefully we will find out if we need to do bracing now or what. We have been so focused on her back I have forgot to ask about her legs. They are very bowed and I don't think they will get much straighter without surgery. Surgery is a scary thought right now...I know it's a reality for her, but no one wants their baby (baby meaning your child of any age ;) ) to have to go through any sort of surgery!
I'm so glad we have started this blog. We have already met some great people just writing here. For anyone that is new to our blog, check out Kaela's friends. There are some CUTE kids!! Check out little Cole too- he is so cute! I love his smile! He just glows in those pictures. We sure are lucky parents having these amazing little babies! Not only are they super cute ;), but I know from having Kaela in our lives that she has taught us so much! I look forward to sharing our stories about Kaela and William...and hearing all of yours!
That sounds like so much fun going to an LP event! How did you hear about it in your area?? I don't know where to start. I would love to find some more friends for Cole a little bit closer to home :) It will be so neat for all of our kids to meet one day!! Best of luck with Kaela's doctors appt in April. I just hate how doctors book so far out.
I am so glad you guys had a good time! We attended our first meeting back in November. I am glad your blogging and sharing Kaela! There is a Dr. Yassir who was at NEMC but nows practices at Detroit Children's. He has experience with dwarf children, he also may be an option closer to home. See you soon!!
I enjoyed meeting your wonderful family, Sarah. Kaela and Will are really, really cuties. The LP gathering was such a comfort. To know there is such an active and supportive group out there is really special. What a great group of people. Nice to make new friends!
Owen's grandma
It was so nice meeting your family! Kaela is so adorable and good and calm. It's so nice to have a support system like the LPA. This is only the beginning for Owen and Kaela....hmmmm....
Hope to see you soon!
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